Legal Music Mp3 Converter and Downloader
For several years the music industry has said the same: Peer-to peer (P2P), file sharing networks, are exponentially spreading pirated audio across the Internet. Copyright is being violated. It means in English that the mere fact that I downloaded Tori Amos music through Kazaa yesterday, and that I’m currently listening to it makes me a thief. So far, so good. That’s quite right.
However, the problem lies not in people’s unwillingness to pay for their music. I usually sample new music online before buying CDs. Most likely, if the entire album is something I want to own, I will. It seems that radio stations are doing the same thing when playing music youtube converter. The difference, however, is that it has become insanely easy for me to acquire almost-as-good-as-original quality mp3s of any track that I want to listen to, and even if I don’t pay a dime, no one is there to catch me.
This principle has been lost. The principle of accountability has disappeared. It’s easy to download music from the Internet thanks to P2P. We tend to forget our social responsibility for such “trivial” matters. This is because the copy-protection methods used by big production companies are always behind on cracking algorithms. Also, efforts made to prevent “ripping” of CDs or DVDs have been fruitless.
You can now download legal music. Artists and labels are increasingly offering music downloads for a fee, ignoring the limited number of “free” legal tracks that can be used as promotional material. It’s a simple process where you purchase individual songs or entire albums via a secure, online transaction. After that, you download the ‘purchase’ with varying limitations on its personal use.
Technological advances are altering the way that people listen to and enjoy music. As iPods and mp3-players have been introduced, many people now carry their entire collection of music with them. Most players offer enough space to store around 10,000 songs. It is a frightening prospect for the record industry. Industry professionals are concerned about the rapid decline of the CD. Also, as the technology changes, consumers’ demands will also shift.
Audio CDs provided unmatched quality music, which was used by record companies to encourage consumers to purchase instead of downloading. Audio quality today is similar to and sometimes even greater than that of CDs, thanks to the high-quality digital formats. Many experts even predict that in a decade, CDs will no longer exist as digital technology will allow us to access all of our music collections (hopefully with a paid subscription) from anywhere: the car, the office, the home or the beach. The promise (and actuality) of high-quality audio is enough to threaten traditional business.